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She’ll be right mate… Why the Aussie way is causing an underinsurance epidemic

Improving the financial outlook for the family is the key driver for the majority of Australians – Most will commit blood, sweat and tears to this very endeavour. Yet, the majority fail to adequately protect the legacy we try so hard to build.

Why? Australians see themselves as ‘bulletproof’.

Of course such faith that ‘she’ll be right mate’ belies that fact that illness and injury strikes thousands of Australians everyday. In 2017/18 there were over 777,000 hospitalisations due to injury or poisoning. This year alone there will be over 130,000 new diagnoses of cancer. Over 600,000 Australians are living with coronary artery disease, 2 million with kidney disease, and nearly half the population will experience mental health challenges during their life time.

The establishment of comprehensive personal insurance is designed to protect individuals and families from the financial impact of certain inevitabilities, such as death, along with those risks in life we can’t foresee, such as a traumatic event or a total and permanent disability. Many do not understand the pivotel role insurance can play as a financial and estate planning strategy.

FinSec’s Insurance Philosophy

At FinSec we are keen to ensure that insurance is not looked at like the lottery. It should not be there to provide a windfall. In fact, we look at it in the hope that you never have a claim.

 Insurance should be in place to fill the gap in your financial situation that would be left in the event that something derails your plans. If you cannot work, if you get sick or if you die, insurance should put you and/or your family back in the same financial situation it would have been in if the mishap had not happened.

 Insurance claims should not change lives, they should maintain lifestyles.

Published On: October 17th, 2019Categories: Insurance, More than just Finance, Retirement Planning