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Finding lost super

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Have you lost $3,000?

That’s the average balance of a lost or ATO-held super account in Australia.

If you’ve changed jobs, done casual or part-time work, moved house or changed your name, then you could be one of the many Australians who have some lost or ATO-held super waiting to be found.

What is lost super?

Your super account will generally be considered ‘lost’ if:

  • No contributions or rollovers have been added to your super account in the last year and either your super fund never had an address for you, or mail sent to you by your super fund has been returned unclaimed,How can you find it?
  • or for employer default super plans, no contributions or rollovers have been added to your super account in the last five years.
If your super account is considered lost it could be transferred to the ATO if:

  • your account balance is less than $2000, or
  • your super fund is unable to identify you as the owner of the account based on the information reasonably available to them.

Your super could also be transferred to the ATO in certain other circumstances.

The ATO could also be holding other super amounts for you:such as Super Guarantee amounts paid to them by a previous employer or Government Co-contributions or Low Income Super Contributions paid by the government.

How can you find it?

Speak with your financial adviser today. A good advice firm will have an integrated service that will easily track and consolidate your super for you.

Another way to find your lost super is through the ATO SuperSeeker service, all you’ll need is your tax file number.

Published On: July 24th, 2014Categories: FinSec Post, Pre-Retirement Planning, Superannuation